Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 20 - Friday 23/1

Today is the last full day we have in Hedland and for some reason I know I will miss it. We went into CUCRH in the morning and I wrote my article about the World Indigenous People's Conference and sent it off to the Telegraph. Nadia, James and I discussed how we would present the radio show we are doing tonight, making a brief outline of its content. We picked up a few local news items this week and James wrote them into a bulletin which Nadia and I are going to read on air.

By lunchtime we were on the road, seeking guests for our radio show. James had the idea of interviewing a small business owner with the idea of asking 'what does it take' to run a small business in Hedland. He managed to get the owner of Muffin Break to agree to come into the studio that night. We also had the idea of speaking to someone about the Australia Day Breakfast in Port Hedland. After making a few calls we managed to get hold of the lady in charge of the company putting the breakfast on. With a couple of hours before we were to go to air we had our interviews arranged.

We went into the radio station early to sort out our music for the show and to go over what we were to talk about. Before we knew it it was time to go on air and I must admit I was pretty nervous. We started with an interview with Kate from the women's water polo team. Nadia, James and I each took it in turns to ask questions and it all ran pretty smoothly. Luckily Nadia has had a lot of radio experience and she sort of acted as the main presenter and also made sure we didn't exceed our time limits with talking. We then interviewed Julie about the Australia Day breakfast and Anthony from Muffin Break. After our interviews, we had about half an hour left and James, Nadia and I each spoke about our experiences over the past three weeks.

Overall the radio show went pretty smoothly and I think it was a great way to sum up our trip to Port Hedland. There were a few hiccups, with James accidently mentioning the name of a company (a big no no on community radio) and myself being stuck for words a few times. However, everyone in the station was happy with our show and so were we.


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